Liturgy Ministries & Committees


Liturgical Ministries & Committes

Call the Office for Information on Any Ministry

Finance Committee Members

Fr. Leo J. Smith

Mark Baker

Dianne Packer

Phil Tantillo

Barbara Szwed

Ann Daly

Lectors/Servers: Training

Contact : Dianna Packer

Music Ministry

Please Consult The Priest Or Music Director

Service Ministries

Women of St. Finbarr

President, Barbara vonKnipper 248-245-4468
All women are encouraged and welcomed to join us the second Tuesday of each month at 10:00 followed by lunch, location to be determined.

Knights of Columbus

Grand Knight, Roger Bonaccorssi 630-363-5980
If you are interested in joining with fellow parishioners in this dynamic Catholic fraternal organization which puts our faith into action, please contact Jim O'Donnell 206-747-0417

Ministers of Hospitality (Usher)

Contacts John Piela 860-608-0568 for Saturday 4:30 p.m.,  or Sunday 10:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Masses or Margarita Silva & Artemio Reza 239-331-1634 for the Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Mass. 

Coffee & Donuts

Contact the Office

Support & Prayer Ministries

Communion to the Homebound

Contact The Parish Office

Rosary Makers

Contact Ann Jarosz
Meet Most Tuesday Morning’s Following Morning Mass (Except Mid-Summer)
Watch The Bulletin For Schedules

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Contact Vivian Yentes 239-529-3821
If you or someone you love is sick and would be comforted by a prayer shawl please call the office at 239.417-2084

Office Volunteers