Liturgical Ministries & CommittesCall the Office for Information on Any Ministry Finance Committee Members Fr. Leo J. Smith Mark Baker Dianne Packer Phil Tantillo Barbara Szwed Ann Daly Lectors/Servers: TrainingContact : Dianna Packer Music MinistryPlease Consult The Priest Or Music Director Service MinistriesWomen of St. FinbarrPresident, Barbara vonKnipper 248-245-4468 Knights of ColumbusGrand Knight, Roger Bonaccorssi 630-363-5980 Ministers of Hospitality (Usher)Contacts John Piela 860-608-0568 for Saturday 4:30 p.m., or Sunday 10:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Masses or Margarita Silva & Artemio Reza 239-331-1634 for the Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Mass. Coffee & DonutsContact the Office Support & Prayer MinistriesCommunion to the HomeboundContact The Parish Office Rosary MakersContact Ann Jarosz Prayer Shawl MinistryContact Vivian Yentes 239-529-3821 Office Volunteers |